Small Business 101: Yes, you need a website!
So, you own a small business/work for one and you are thinking of investing in a website, buuuttttt you're not totally clued up? Did we get that right?
If so, welcome! We are Special Sauce Marketing & Branding, and we're going to be your guide.
If not, ermmm you might be in the wrong corner of the internet, nevertheless welcome and please do continue reading for some awesome stats on why websites are SO crucial for businesses.
Boost your revenue.
Yes, you may have a range of clients and consumers around your local area who are loyal, consistent buyers and a great source of income which supports you and your small business. But, what about that broader market out there? By 'broader market' we mean everyone who is still yet to come into contact with your business, don't you want to market your product/service and sell to them as well? Of course, you do. Why? Because you would generate a larger revenue stream. Not only that, a more sustainable and reliable one with business coming from many different corners and areas and not just one. It's a no brainer!
So, how do you achieve this? Invest in a website. It's that simple.
Boost your brand awareness, show off your expertise through an online portfolio, and even sell to potential consumers. Furthermore, at a few clicks of a button, potential consumers from all corners of the globe can find out what your business is all about, what you're hoping to achieve and most importantly, what you can offer them!
Websites have the potential, alongside a consistent brand, to be one of the greatest assets a company can have (aka 'your salesperson without a salary'). Therefore, a key priority for any business; small, medium, or large, should be to invest a website!
Still not convinced? You will be! Check out these stats:
Studies show that: "36% of clients prefer to deal with businesses that have websites. By contrast, only 21% will work with businesses without websites" and "of the 7.4 Billion people in this world, 3.5 Billion people or 47% are online every day." These stats alone indicate how the internet shapes the way consumers & clients deal with businesses, and it is clear that having a website plays a major part. It's worth noting that these numbers will only increase as we further adapt to modern technology and trends.
Putting things into perspective!
Consumers are an impatient bunch. The modern consumer is often on the go and doesn't have time to research each relevant business before making their buying decision entirely. Looking for quick answers, they take to the internet and your website to understand what you do, what you offer, where you are based and how they can contact you.
Let's put this into perspective for a second; "97 per cent of people go online to find a local business, and 93 per cent of online experiences begin with a search engine". So, imagine you didn't have a website in this scenario and the same consumer needs your product/service... That's right; you've just lost that potential consumer to one of your competitors who actually is online!
Boosting your presence online even further.
Search engines (Google, BING etc) can be fantastic assets for your website to have if you know how to use them properly. Did you know you can tailor the copy (text) on the different pages of your site to rank higher within searches which relate to your product or service? This is a process called Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and it involves 'keyword research'. Essentially, search engines favour sites with relevant content that it can link to peoples searches, meaning your business could appear for potential consumers across the world as long as you are threading relevant keywords and phrases throughout your site!
Aren't websites super expensive though?
In some cases, yes and this is something we feel very strongly about at Special Sauce, we believe that small businesses are under-represented continuously by the average marketing agency who can charge upwards of £5000 for a web design and development!
Well, from one start-up/small business to another, we know that money can be pretty tight! That’s why we have carefully engineered a pricing structure that aligns with the modern-day start up’s budget and goals, whilst keeping quality and customer satisfaction at the forefront of everything we do.